Latest Past Events

General Meeting – Big Bang Theory!

Riverview Retirement Community 2117 East North Crescent, Spokane

This Friday, Sept. 4th, we will have an interesting, provocative big-bang theory presentation by the club's own Mickey Thompson this Friday at Riverview, usual place, usual time at 7:30 pm ). Mickey will: - Provide a brief history of big bang theory; - Review the mechanics of the current Inflation model; - Identify and explain key […]

Star Party, Priest Lake

Lionhead Campground 314 Indian Creek Park Rd, Coolin

We did this one a couple of years ago and we had great weather and great seeing over the lake. We set the telescopes up on the beach and had a great time – there were 4 or 5 of us that camped out. It will be the same this year they will give us […]

World Science Fiction Convention

Spokane Convention Center 334 W Spokane Falls Blvd, Spokane

Brother Guy Consolmagno (Vatican astronomer), who just received the Carl Sagan award for communication with the public, will be a guest speaker on the first night of the convention. After his talk, we will have our telescopes available for attendees to look through. We will set the telescopes up on the King Cole foot bridge. […]