
October Meeting

This month’s General Meeting on October 11th, will be social event, a Star Party, at the “Party Palace” located at 8616 N Lehman Road, just north of Bigelow Gulch Road. The Potluck dinner will begin at the usual time 6:30pm, our burgermaster is unfortunately unable to attend this month, the main course will be Pizza for this meeting, please bring sides and deserts! With a cooperative sky, there is a potential for Aurora viewing and photography. For members who would like help and guidance with their telescope, this meeting will be a great opportunity to receive advice from experienced astronomers. The club projector will be set up inside, any imagers who would like to share their work with fellow club members in an informal setting are welcome to commandeer the projector. This will be the final meeting at this location for this year. The club continues the search for its winter venue, several members have investigated options and made suggestions, many thanks for those efforts. Hope to see you at the Party Palace for some food, conversation, and some group observing.

Shane Larson \

August Meeting – Dark matter and energy


Welcome to the Spokane Astronomical Society. We are located in Spokane, Washington. As a non-profit and volunteer-run organization, we are dedicated to promoting enjoyment and education in astronomy and astronomy-related topics throughout the Inland Northwest


The SAS General Meeting is at 7:30 pm on the second Friday of each month. Learn more at our Meetings page.


Joining the club is fun and easy – a winning combination! Find out how and learn all the benefits of membership.


We observe monthly at the club dark site. We also have equipment available for member use. Check out the Resources and Events tabs above for more information, or see our observing resources

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